Customer Reactions

57 thoughts on “Customer Reactions

  1. Vincent Blaauboer

    We had a great day with Mas. He is such a nice guy and showed us all the beautiful places. If you’re looking for a nice activity in Pangandaran, make sure to go with Mas!

  2. Elianne van Steenbergen

    We’ve had a terrific day with Mas, which we will never forget. Mas gave us a tour full of education, adventure, fresh fish, fun, and also made fantastic pictures for us during body rafting. Safe and fun for the kids too. He is a smart and wise man, who also inspired us with his life philosophy. Highly recommend this tour!!

  3. Von D Family

    Dear Mas,

    Thank you for the two great days we spent together, exploring beautiful nature and animals!

    We enjoyed all of it, especially how detailed your knwoledge is, how connected you are to this area, how kind and caring you were to us and especially our boys of 7 and 9 years old.

    Wishing you and your family all the best!

  4. Merry Johnston

    We’ve just had a great day with Mas exploring the Green Canyon and the Green Valley. He is full of interesting information and we had a great time gliding down the river. His driver and tour assistant were also terrific.
    I highly recommend Mas if you looking for a good adventurous day.

  5. Martin & Diane

    Great guy, great sense of humour, great tours!

    We did a full day to Green Valley and Green Canyon, and a half day to the national park / conservation area. Mas was lots of fun, very enthusiastic and informative, and helpful with advice on onward travel and other activities in the area.

    Can’t recommend him highly enough.

  6. Tia & Corrie

    Awesome Mas guided us through the National Park. He clearly loves the Jungle and his enthusiasm and energy was refreshing and entertaining. He took us through caves, onto beaches and up into the jungle. We are two slightly older travellers and one of us has a dodgy knee. Mas was super aware of that and checked in with how we were feeling throughout the trek. He was very patient. He answered so many questions about the jungle, the animals and life in modern Indonesia. We had a great day, ending on white sandy beach.
    Mas also helped us sort out onward travel by finding us a driver and even trying to get train tickets for us.

  7. Matthew Cane

    I spent two days with this amazing man being shown the sights of Pangandaran. On the first day I was led on a fantastic walk through the jungle and got to see some incredible animals. On the second day we explored the green valley and green canyon areas. Scrambling over rocks and jumping from waterfalls it was the best way to see the area.
    It was clear that Mas has deep connections in the area as we frequently stopped and chatted with locals and I truly felt part of the community for two days.
    Thank you again for the experience.

  8. Stefan and Mirjam

    Today and yesterday we did a tour with Masrudin. One 3 hour tour in the “national park” and one full day in and around the Green Canyon and Green Valley. Masrudin is very friendly and kind and is able to show you a lot of hidden gems.

    We would 100% recommend taking a tour with Masrudin. If we had more time here, we would definetely do another one.

  9. Rob Koenders

    In february my father and i booked a tour with Masrudin. He came to our homestay to hear what we like to fo. Masrudin is a friendy guide who knows everything about the environment. In the cave he takes you to the farest part which is more quite. Later we did a boat tour with him and at the end you can can go out of the boat and feel waterdrops on your head coming from the Mountain. Masrudin thank you for this great experience. Greetings, Henk en Rob

  10. Odile

    We spent two days with Masrudin in Pangandaran. On the first day, we went to the national park and hiked in the jungle. It was absolutely amazing, Masrudin knows all the good places and has an impressive amount of knowledge about the environment and the wildlife. Afterwards, we went to the white sandy beach where we snorkeled and swam in the sea. The next day, we went to visit the local palm sugar farmer and the Green Canyon. We were absolutely amazed by the beauty we witnessed. Masrudin explained everything very well and elaborate. He is very friendly and an amazing guide. We will never forget the days we’ve spent together with him, it is one of the highlights of our trip to Indonesia. Thank you so much, Masrudin!

    Kindest regards,
    Family de Jong from the Netherlands

  11. Daan & Marilou

    We went on a day-tour to the national park, part of the jungle and the green canyon combined in one day. Mas came to our hotel the day before, to help with a tailor-made trip to see and do as much as possible in one day.

    Mas fixed a car with driver, showed us traditional fishers before going to the park, we stopped at a very traditional fish restaurant where tourists would not know about without guide. He showed a lot of knowledge about the Pangandaran area, animals and plants. Would definitely recommend a (private) tour with Mas, it is very traditional and not as touristic as other tours.

    His level in English is very appropriate and sufficient to have in-depth conversations. Besides, he is a humble, careful guy with a lot of humar.

    Would definitely recommend everyone let Mas guide you the way through the Pangandaran area. I will ensure Mas cares about you really having a good time

    Best regards, Daan & Marilou

  12. Lasse

    We booked a tour with mas and had an absolute blast! It was definitely worth the money and the green canyon is easily the most impressive place we have ever seen. Definitely recommended!
    Thank you again for the great time Mas.

  13. Quirine Bohms

    Ik en mijn partner zijn met Mas op pad geweest voor tubbing en body rafting. Hele aardige man, met kennis van zijn omgeving die hij heel graag deelt. Een heerlijke dag waarbij we genoten hebben van de dingen die hij ons liet zien. Ook hebben we via hem een fijne driver gevonden, die ons niet alleen naar Yogyakarta bracht, maar ook vergezelde naar Borobudur. Ook ontvingen we daarna appjes of alles goed gegaan was, heel attent. Een absolute aanrader!

  14. Luigi

    I had the chance to go on a day tour with Mas last October. It was absolute awesome! Mas drove me around with his motorbike in village roads, then we had a very nice time in the Citumang river, then we went to the green canyon. Mas was very fun, very dynamic and he told me many interesting hints. He took care of everything and was very honest with the price! Wish him the best!!!! 100% Reccomended!!!! 😀

  15. Alex

    100% recomendable. Tuvimos mucha suerte de conocer a Mas, quien nos preparó un día inolvidable.

    Comenzamos el tour visitando plantaciones locales de azúcar de palma y conociendo el proceso artesanal que realizan sus productores. Posteriormente nos desplazamos al Green Valley para realizar una inolvidable sesión de body rafting por sus cascadas, siempre acompañados y muy bien asistidos por Mas y otro monitor. Finalmente, después de comer nos desplazamos para realizar un relajante tour en bote a través del Green Canyon.

    Fue una jornada fantástica y Mas demostró ser un guía excepcional, con muchos conocimientos y siempre con una gran sonrisa. No tengo ninguna duda de que, si algún día vuelvo a Pangandaran, la primera cosa que haré es buscar a Mas.

    Mas, ¡¡¡ muchas gracias por un día tan especial !!!!

  16. Lianne en Manon

    We hadden een geweldige dag met Masrudin als gids. We gingen bodyraften in Green valley. Dit was echt heel leuk met hem. Hij was erg enthousiast en vrolijk. Hij wist veel interessante dingen te vertellen over de cultuur en nam ons mee naar een erg leuk lokaal restaurantje met verse vis. Daarna gingen we nog naar Green canyon. Super!!

  17. Peter Hartog

    We hebben een hele mooie en interessante tour gemaakt met Masrudin en een collega, een hele goed gids met kennis van zaken, enthousiast, vriendelijk en oog voor de deelnemers aan zijn trip!! Aan te bevelen, dank je wel, Masrudin!

  18. Annika

    I took two tours with Mas in the last days and it was wonderful ! He is a great tour guide with a big knowledge about Panggandaran and the surroundings, so learned many things. I also had a lot of fun with him and just want to say thank you for the good time!

  19. Lars & Peter

    Today we experienced the welcoming attitude of Mas. My friend and I had a lovely day on which we started at a small palm sugar factory. Mas showed us a big bad which was held as a pet by the factory owners. Moreover, we went body rafting in the the green valley. After that, Mas brought us to a restaurant with the freshest fish ever. Next, we went tubing in a beautiful river. He showed us plants in the jungle which are used in the Indonesian kitchen or for other purposes. Throughout the day Mas took care that we were comfortable and having fun. It was great!

  20. Masataka Hongo

    I had a tremendous half-day adventure with pak Masrudin at the Cagar Alam Pangandaran. He does speak good English and is well-experienced and trusted tour guide there. He can arrange according to our needs and conditions. If you like to go through a challenging path in the jungle, he will take and escort you, which I did. Indeed, it was challenging but he was always looking for the safest root along the way. It’s just unfortunate that I didn’t have enough time to spend in Pangandaran but I’m sure that I will be visiting there again and ask pak Masrudin to continue my adventure. Thank you so much, pak!

  21. Jan, Judi, Max and Moos

    We had two amazing days with Masrudin! He lead us to the river in the green valley together with another guide. They took really good care of our children of 5 and 8, always asking if they liked it, whether they felt safe and if it was not too much for them. We drifted in the river as a family which was a great experience. Before entering the green valley we went to a palm sugar factory in the middle of a kampung. This was a real interesting visit where he showed us several animals and plants.

    Two days later we went with Masrudin and Gushnadeen to the peninsula nature park. It was again amazing how they found animals everywhere, a scorpion onder a tree, big lizards on the beach and much more. We really enjoyed it. Again they were great for our kids and helped them when the tour through the jungle was too heavy for our youngest son.

    Thank you Mas and we wish you all the best!

  22. Matej

    Mas Rudin was my guide to Green canyon, Batu Karas and showed me also many interesting places on the way – production of various coconut products, traditional puppets and orher interesting things. I had really fun time with Mas Rudin in Green Canyon. It was definitely worth to visit. I definitely recommend to take Mas Rudin as a guide. Unfortunately I had to rush back to Jakarta, so I did not have time to explore the jungle and other places. Next time Mas! Good luck to you.

  23. Jacob en Monique

    Mas heeft ons een geweldige dag bezorgd. Naar een dorp geweest waar we zagen hoe palmolie werd getapt en verwerkt. Bij de groene vallei gezwommen in de stroomversnelling. Lekker vis gegeten samen bij een lokale warung. Maar de gesprekken waren ook heel interessant en gezellig , Mas weet veel over de geschiedenis en cultuur van Java en Indonesische. Hij spreekt heel goed Engels!
    Kortom een aanrader!

  24. Jaap en Monique

    Jaap en Monique 29-2-2020
    We zijn met Mas naar de Green Vally geweest, zwemmen in de rivier met stroomversnellingen in heerlijk schoon water. Onderweg bezochten we Javaanse dorpen en hun bewoners. Hij liet ons o.a. zien een palmsuiker plantage en hoe de suiker wordt afgetapt en een soja familie bedrijfje , het verwerkingsproces van de soja. We hebben heerlijk verse vis gegeten bij een plaatselijke Warung. Heel interessant en gezellig waren onze gesprekken over de Indonesische cultuur, gebruiken en geschiedenis want hij spreekt goed Engels. Kortom een topdag!

  25. Lini & Mario

    Now it`s nearly two years ago, since we spent time in Java, and there is really no excuse, that it took so damned long, till i write this words here. We are really sorry Mas Rudin!!!!!

    It was not so easy to get to Pangandaran, but after we arrived and especially after we got contact to Mas, we we can say, it was absolutley worth all the strain!
    Mas is a really nice, warm hearted guy and his charisma gives you a good feeling, also if you`re downcast.
    He led us through the city and guided us though through the jungle of cagar alam and showed us all secrets, including a lot of animals and plants, livin inside this microcosm. He always had a surprise in the backhand!
    If you have a question, need any help – whatever – call Mas and you will not regret.

    Thank you a lot Mas and we hope, You and Your Family are well!!!

    Greetinx from germany.
    Lini and Mario

  26. Adrian & Ramona

    Wir machten mit Masrudin eine ca. 5h Wanderung durch den Dschungel. Er konnte uns sehr viel zu den verschiedenen Pflanzen erzählen und zeigen (eine haben wir sogar gegessen). Die Tour war ziemlich anstrenged obwohl wir uns das wandern gewönht sind, jedoch nich bei solchen Temparaturen und bei so hoher Luftfeuchtigleit. Als Snack hat er uns sehr leckere Mangos und Ananas mitgebracht, zusätzlich hat er noch eine Wasseflasche für uns als Reserve dabei. Man merkt wirklich wie sehr er das mit Herzblut und Leidenschaft macht. Wir waren auch begeistert davon, dass er während der ganzen Wanderung Plastikmüll zusammen nahm. Wir können ihn als Guide jedem nur weiter empfehlen.

    LG Ramona & Adrian

  27. Thijs & Annelieke

    Masrudin was our guide to the Green Valley and Green Caynon. We went by motorbike, so Mas took the interesting backroads, so you can a good feel of the real Java! The motorride itself was very cool and Masrudin knew a lot about nature and Indonesian culture. At the Green Valley and Green Canyon he proved to be a good photographer aswell, so we were always together in the picture. It was a great day with a great guide. Masrudin, thank you.

    Thijs & Annelieke

  28. Lena and Tobias

    We took the little walk in the national park under the guidance of Mas. When we walked through the village towards the park, where we came across some fishermen. Mas started to explain how they fished which was really interesting. If we weren’t with Mas we probably would have walked right passed it. Once we arrived at the national park we immediately saw a lot of animals like monkeys and deers. Mas was able to tell a lot about all the animals we saw. He also adapted to our interests when my girlfriend told him she is studying biology and is also interested in the plants. We also really liked al his stories about Indonesian culture and history.
    Overall we really liked the trip and Mas’s company and we would recommend it to everybody.

  29. Sarah & Sascha

    We enjoyed a fantastic Jungle afternoon tour with Masrudin in April 2019.
    Thanks to his knowledge and experience we spotted a lot of animals and plants we would have never noticed without him.
    He is a very friendly tourguide and you can feel straight away thas this is his passion and he loves the nature and wildlife and he cares about it very much!

    Thank you again for the great time we had together, we will never forget it!

    Sarah & Sascha from Switzerland

  30. Charlotte & Isabelle

    We went on the Jungle tour with Masrudin today. A really nice and good guy who has a lot of knowledge about the animals, trees.. actually about the whole nature. He took us to the jungle, savanne and white sand beach. An amazing experience. I would highly recommend to take him as your tour guide. It will definitely be great!

  31. Morten Jensen

    My girlfriend and I took a tour around the area with Mas. He showed us all the different places to see in pangandaran. He also showed us how to jump in waterfalls, took some great pictures of us and he even took us to a local restaurant with some delicious food. Mas also helped us to the train station when we had to go home. Such a great and informative guy. Had a10/10 experience, would recommend.

    Greetings from Helena and Morten from Denmark

  32. Agathe

    Mas is a very good guide, really passionated about his region! He taught us a lot about the culture and we discovered great places thanks to him ! We enjoyed doing bodyrafting and jumping into waterfalls. We had a good meal in a traditional restaurant. He also helped us to rent scooters. Thank you !!

  33. Max Liègeois

    With other European exchange students, we all enjoyed our day in pangandaran with masrudin. He is very friendly, very nice, and he speaks very well English so we learn a lot of things on typical activities in pangandaran. Yesterday, thanks to him, we catch our bus whereas we were late… he allows us to get motocycle to go quicker to the appointment. Masrudin provided additional free services.
    Thank you once again.

  34. Maria

    Mas is GREAT! He helped us a lot and we had an amazing weekend in Pangandaran. The tour was unique – he told us so much about the region and showed us a lot of things. His english is very good! We definitely had a lot of fun with him! I can highly recommend Mas if you want to have the BEST guide ever in Pangandaran and a unique weekend in Paradise 🙂

  35. Valerie, Koen, Moss en Morris

    The kids really loved Mas. He is very friendly and knows a lot of the nature and the animals! The first day we went tot the national park in pangandaran. It was an amazing experience for the kids, we went to a cave and saw pigs and monkeys. Our kids are stille young and walk slow, bud he was very patiecend.
    The next day we went to a village and the green Canyon. Mas helped our boy Moss to swim in the Canyon, it was a day he will never forget!

  36. Charles - Laurien

    Masrudin is THE best guide you can have! Very interesting stories, always funny and a walking biological book. We strongly recommend him!

  37. Niel & Madelyn

    We enjoyed our day and a half tour with Masrudin! On our first day he took us to a tempeh factory, a palm sugar factory, we swam at the Green Valley, took a boot tour to the Green Canyon, and went to a kroepoek factory. We ended our day at the the sea turtle shelter (very impressive to see them). He always made sure we enjoyed our time, and if we wanted to know anything. He answered our questions with much background information. He’s really friendly and wants you to have a nice day. The next day we went to the National Park, where he showed us so many things (animals, trees, plants, etc). He knows a lot about it, and again makes sure you get all you want. We really enjoyed our time with Masrudin, and recommend him for your time at Pangandaran.

  38. Isaline

    Mas Rudin’s tours have my highest recommendation. My husband and I had a fantastic day: we saw how sugar is made from the coconut tree, visited a fascinating puppet master, had delicious fish for lunch, swam in a cave and jumped in the waterfalls of Green Valley, and took a boat through lavish Green Canyon.
    Not only were all these activities super fun and instructive, Mas Rudin was always ready to answer any questions, from where and how do peanuts grow (he stopped along the road to show me the actual plant and taste a fresh peanut!) to any question I could think of about Indonesian history, traditions, geography and beliefs. Simply great! THANK YOU, Mas, for this wonderful day.

  39. Samantha Dietel

    We had a very nice day trip with Mas! He showed us the production of the palm sugar and the indonesian puppets, took us to a nice authentic fish restaurant made us try many different fruits along the way. We swam through the green valley and did a little boat tour through the green canyon. It was a perfect day and Mas made it one of the highlights of our Indonesia journey!

    Thank you very much! Greetings from Germany
    Samantha, Lucie, Simon & Michael

  40. Marcel and Jolanda

    We really enjoyed the trip, green valley and green canyon. It was very beautyfull and Mas is a very enthousiast guide, he was talking to us as if we were the first customers. He explaned and told us about the culture and nature, it really was one of the highlights of our holiday!

  41. Yensi & Tahnée

    Yesterday we spent the whole day with mas. It was amazing,maybe the best day in our young lives! Masrudin is a very nice guy who tells about his region with passion. If you’re searching for a guide in pangandaran Mas is your guy!
    Ps: Also the driver sayno was very helpfull

  42. Jord, Ingeborg, Pien and Joost

    Today we spent the whole day with Mas. We had a great day. Mas knows much about the Green valey and Green Canyon. He is a very nice and entertaining guy! Thsnx again for the great day!

  43. Ferry & Femke (Delft)

    We couldn’t spend our 1 day stay in Pandangaran better than with Masrudin. He took us to the Green Valley, turtle conservation, beach walk, an amazing local fish restaurant and a jungle hike. It was all very nice, relaxed and the vibe was fantastic. Mas is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the Pandangaran area. In summary: we very much recommend Mas as your tourguide when staying in Pandangaran.
    Thanks again Mas, we wish you and the citizens of Pandangaran the best of luck!

  44. Jean-Pierre & Julia

    We had a great time with Mas. His tour around Pangandaran, the Green Valley/Canyon was amazing and he took really good care of everything. At the end we could even take a little detour to a turtle conservation center.
    He is incredibly friendly and enthusiastic and with his interesting background stories even the driving parts were good fun!
    Thank you very much for that great tour!!!

  45. Iris & Niels

    We took a trip to the green valley with Mas and it was lovely! Even though it wasn’t the high season, he offered us many options. We went to the valley and swam in the river. We also traveled to a local eating place for fresh fish and delicious vegetables. The second part of our tour didn’t continue as the weather was not good enough. Mas felt bad about it but we trusted his opinion and feeling about the weather completely! So we didn’t mind to go back early.
    I would recommend Mas for any tour. He is knowledgeable, open and very friendly.

  46. Peter and Milou

    We had a great time with our private guide Mas and his friendly driver Mudi! He brought us to the green valley for a nice walk, wonderful swimming and jumping of the waterfalls. We had lunch in such a nice peaceful place at a fish farm. In the afternoon we went to the green canyon by boat. Mas really did his best to show us some extras.

    The day after, Mudi and his son took us by bus to Borobudur. First we had the plan to stay there the night to see the sunrise, and Mudi would take us to yogya the day after. But last minute we decided to go to yogya the same evening. It was no problem to change our plans (and also the costs) last minute, that was very very kind! We can definitely recommend a tour with Mas. Maybe it’s a little more expensive than the regular tours in pangandaran, but it’s worth it. No extra costs on the way and definitely extra value to your trip.

  47. Ilse and Pieter

    We had a great time with Mas! We went for some fun to the green valley and swam in the cave, dived from the waterfall and used a rope like Tarzan and Jane to swing above the river. After that we went tubing in the sidarta river. Not very high-adrenaline, but there were some nice rapids. But maybe the best part was that we went on a motorbike, passing rice fields and villages on small bumpy roads – the most beautiful landscapes. Mas took good care of us and is a very nice and knowledgeble guide!

  48. Sandra Coppey Grange

    We booked 2 full days trip with Masrudin in July this summer 2016 and it was 2 wonderfull days! Masrudin knows some nice and quiet place very attractive and fun and interesting to discover! We went swimming in lagoon, jump in waterfall, floatting in river…. We eat in a nice typical place for fish! it was delicious!
    Masrudin speak englisch very well, he knows his land very well and explain a lot of things about the nature, the society, the culture. He’s very open! He’s a man very respected and everywhere we went we could feel this respect. He’s carefull and give good advice, he helped me (the oldest mam 😉 )…
    It was 2 unforgettable days in our trip and we are very happy to share this time with him!
    Sandra 49, Chloé 30, Arno 20 and Noé 16 from Switzerland

  49. Mylene

    I still think a lot about the walk we made on sunday 15 november, early in the morning. It was great. We didn’t do all the exciting things others idd. Because that’s not wat I desired. We talked a lot about all kind of things, and allthough he really knows a lot, he also thinks a lot.
    Neven stops learning. Neven stop teaching.
    Thank you for your wisdom.
    Next time, I bring my family too???
    Good luck Masrudin,
    Mylène from Amsterdam

  50. Patrick and Chantal

    We had the best time in Pangandaran with Mas !
    He really shows you what you like to see. In our case this was a beautiful peace of nature (waterfall with opportunity to swim and dive, animals in the park, the green canyon, …)
    We also enjoyed the lunch in a typical Indonesian fish restaurant, where we could select our fish in the pond before it got prepared.

    Our advice: contact Mas when you visit Pangandaran, he really turns your stay there into a wonderful experience that you will never forget !

  51. sandra witkamp

    We also were very happy to get into contact with Masrudin when we were staying at Adam´s Homestay.
    We spend two days with Masrudin and it was awesome. Masrudin tells you all you want to know about the area, the friendly inhabitants, the habits and more. He is so enthusiast and that gives you the feeling you are the first tourists he is taking around. We love the things we did, swimming in the green canyon, visiting the little village, having lunch at a typical local fish restaurant (doubting if you will finish the lunch or better feading your lunch to the fishes swimming beneath you) and on the second day walking in the natural park and snorkeling at the white beach.
    Masrudin we hope lots of people will have the privilidge to go on tour with you becaue it’s someting you want not miss.
    ‘Little big man’ 😉 thank you very much !

  52. Stadali

    We spend a few days in Panggangdaran in very nice Adam’s Homestay where Mas was recommended to us as a guide. As the first day hiking in the jungle was a a very good experience we went for a backcountry visit on the second day encountering such us a blacksmith, palm sugar production, a tofu fabrication place and a popular fish restaurant where we had one of our best meals on our trip in Indonesia. The very special thing about being with Mas was his sharing with us his profound knowledge of Java cultural traditions and daily life habits, joys and sorrows. We also had the chance to meet his lovely wife and daughters. We were particularly impressed by his profound desire to bring the very best education possible to his daughters.
    We can highly recommend him.
    Mas, thank you so much ! We will be back!

  53. Magdalena

    Three days our four spent in Pangandaran turned to be one of the best expierences in Java, Indonesia!!! We met Mas by coincidence in his book store and immediately we got a good feeling! He is a wonderful and warm person but also agreat guide. He took us to the waterfalls surrounding the village and to the famous Green Canyon. Except for nature adventures, we were offered a dinner in a real local restaurant where we got a chance to eat real Indonesian food and drink fantastic tea! Masrudin is a person to meet when you are in Pangandaran! He will explain you all about the region, provide with good hints (also concerning restaurants), joke a lot and help when needed! Mas, we are sending you warm regards from Belgium and Poland, Magda&Tom, Charlotte&Sven

  54. Wybe

    We were lucky to meet with Mas and we did enjoy the two days of his company.

    Mas is a very good guide and is capable to adapt his tours to the wishes and capabilities of the family.
    The first day we went into the jungle and on our way we met fisher man on the beach. Mas has a lot of knowledge about the history, the animals and the trees. When you are prepared to get dirty he will take you deep into the jungle, walk through rivers, and present you with nice fruit when you need it and the highlight swimming on the edge of a waterfall at 80 meters above see. An experience you will never forget. In the village we had a great meal (fresh fish) in a nice local restaurant.

    The second day we enjoyed the body rafting in the head of green canyon river, diving from rocks, jumping from small waterfalls and laying back in the water and looking at the jungle.
    Mas is very enthusiastic and will take care of your family, after two days you need to say goodbye to a friend!!

    1. Marie Peinemann

      Me and my friend spent a day with Mas in the Green Valley. He is a lovely guy and took a lot of time to show us everything. At first we stopped at a village and learned about the process of producing palm sugar. Then we swam in the Green Canyon into caves and jumped into waterfalls. Our second guide there was lovely as well. After a lunchbreak (which was delicious and vegetarian) we headed off to another river where we did a tour in tubes.
      All in all it was a perfect day with lots of beautiful things to explore combined with a little adventure.
      Thanks for the tour!
      Fenja & Marie

  55. mirjam

    The four of us were guided by amazing mas through the area. He showed us how to jump off a waterfall, took us to the best and most authentic fish restaurant ever, introduced us to interesting locals, answered all our questions and wishes (we even climbed a coconut tree…) and stunned us with his knowledge and understanding. That’s why we asked him to show us the jungle the next day, which he did and again it wsd awesome! Thank you Mas for being such a great guide, teacher and friend during those two days! Greetings from germany


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